
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ItemTenderRestrictionGroup
Physical Name : CO_RST_ITM_TND

A collection of ITEMs which share a common restriction on the kind of tender that may be used to pay for them at a store.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemTenderRestrictionGroupCode (PK) A retailer assigned code to denote a specific group of ItemTenderRestrictions. LU_GP_TND_RST Code2 char(2)
Description The description of a group of TENDER RESTRICTIONs which apply to specific ITEMs. DE_GP_TND_RST DescriptionShort varchar(255)
Name The name of a specific group of TENDER RESTRICTIONs which apply to specific ITEMs, eg WICs cannot be used to purchase tobacco or alcohol ITEMs. NA_GP_TND_RST Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemTenderRestrictionGroup is subject to ItemTenderRestrictionRule
ItemTenderRestrictionGroup is part of ItemSellingRule

Logical Views containing ItemTenderRestrictionGroup

Logical View
Logical 01100 - Item Selling Rules - Macro View
Logical 01110 - Item Selling Rules - Restrictions View